3 Card Poker Pair Plus Betting

3 Card Poker Pair Plus Betting
In the world of casino games, 3 Card Poker has a unique charm. It’s a relatively simple game to understand but offers enough strategic depth to keep players engaged. Unlike traditional poker games, in 3 Card Poker, you’re not playing against other players but against the dealer. This makes the game less about bluffing and more about the strength of your hand. One of the interesting bets you can make in 3 Card Poker is the Pair Plus bet, a side bet that provides additional ways to win and adds a layer of excitement to your gameplay. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Pair Plus betting in 3 Card Poker, including its rules, strategy, and implications for your overall game.

Understanding the Pair Plus Bet

The Pair Plus bet in 3 Card Poker is an optional side bet you can make in addition to, or instead of, the standard ante and play bets. To win a Pair Plus bet, you don't have to beat the dealer; you just need to have a pair or better in your hand. The Pair Plus bet pays out based on the strength of your hand, regardless of what the dealer has.

Pair Plus Paytable

The Pair Plus bet has its paytable, which varies from casino to casino. However, a common paytable might look like this:

  • Pair: 1 to 1
  • Flush: 4 to 1
  • Straight: 6 to 1
  • Three of a Kind: 30 to 1
  • Straight Flush: 40 to 1

These payouts are attractive, but remember that the house edge can vary depending on the specific paytable.

House Edge in Pair Plus

The house edge for the Pair Plus bet can range from 2.3% to 7.3%, depending on the casino’s paytable. The lower the house edge, the better it is for the player. Always be aware of the house edge when you decide to make a Pair Plus bet.

Basic Strategy for Pair Plus Betting

The strategy for Pair Plus is straightforward because there's no skill-based decision-making involved. Once you've made the bet, it's all in the hands of luck. You either get dealt a strong hand, or you don't. Therefore, the strategy primarily revolves around bankroll management and understanding the risks involved.

  1. Budgeting: Set a budget for your Pair Plus bets and stick to it. These bets can eat into your bankroll quickly, especially if luck isn’t on your side.

  2. Be Conservative: Until you get a feel for the game, it’s often wise to start with smaller bets.

  3. Check the Paytable: Always look at the paytable to understand what the payouts are before you make a Pair Plus bet. Some casinos offer better payouts than others, and this will affect your potential returns.

Advanced Considerations for Pair Plus Betting

  1. Combining with Ante/Play: Many players choose to make both the ante/play and Pair Plus bets in the same hand. This approach provides multiple ways to win but also increases your total wager and the speed at which you're risking your bankroll.

  2. Progressive Pair Plus: Some casinos offer a progressive jackpot feature linked to the Pair Plus bet. In such cases, a portion of each Pair Plus bet goes into a pooled jackpot, which can be won under specific conditions, like landing a specific hand. While this adds an additional element of excitement, be aware that the house edge on progressive bets is generally higher.

Pros and Cons of Pair Plus Betting


  1. Simplicity: You don't need to beat the dealer or make any strategic decisions after the bet is placed.

  2. High Payouts: If you do hit a strong hand, the payouts can be quite lucrative.

  3. Fun Factor: The Pair Plus bet adds an extra element of suspense and excitement to each hand.


  1. Higher House Edge: The house edge on Pair Plus bets can be higher than the main game.

  2. Fast Bankroll Depletion: Because you're not playing against the dealer, hands can be resolved quickly, meaning you can go through your bankroll faster.

  3. No Skill Element: For some players, the absence of skill-based decisions in Pair Plus betting could be less appealing.

Final Thoughts

The Pair Plus bet in 3 Card Poker is a fun addition to the standard gameplay, offering players the chance for high payouts and adding an element of luck-based excitement. While there isn't a deep strategy to delve into for Pair Plus, understanding the rules, payouts, and house edge can help you manage your bankroll effectively and make more informed decisions.

Before you make a Pair Plus bet, always make sure to check the specific rules and paytable at your chosen casino, as these can vary and significantly affect the house edge. If you're looking for a straightforward, fast-paced betting option that doesn't require you to square off against the dealer or make post-bet decisions, Pair Plus might just be what you're looking for. However, always remember to gamble responsibly, set your limits, and know when to call it quits. Happy gaming!