The Basic Blackjack Rules: A Comprehensive Guide to the World's Most Popular Casino Card Game

The basic blackjack rules state that the player must have a blackjack before he or she can split it.The player should have a total of 21 points with

Blackjack is one of the most popular and widely played casino card games around the world. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and excitement, offering players the chance to test their skills and luck against the dealer. Although the game's basic rules are simple, mastering the strategies and tactics required to be a successful player can take time and practice. In this article, we will explore the basic rules of blackjack, and provide an overview of the key elements that make this game such a perennial favorite among casual players and professional gamblers alike.

The Objective

The primary objective of blackjack is to have a hand that is closer to 21 than the dealer's hand, without exceeding 21. The game is played with one or more standard decks of 52 playing cards, with each card assigned a point value. Cards 2 through 10 are worth their face value, while face cards (Jacks, Queens, and Kings) are each worth 10 points. Aces can be worth either 1 or 11 points, depending on what is most favorable for the player's hand.

The Table Layout

Blackjack is typically played on a semi-circular table, with the dealer situated on the straight side and the players seated around the curved side. Each player position has a designated area for placing bets, usually marked by a circle or square. In front of the dealer, there is an area called the "shoe" where the cards are dealt from, as well as areas for the dealer's up-card and hole-card.

The Betting Process

Before the game begins, each player must place a bet within the designated betting area. The minimum and maximum betting limits will vary depending on the casino and specific table, so be sure to check the posted limits before sitting down to play. Once all players have placed their bets, the dealer will begin the deal.

The Deal

The dealer will deal two cards to each player, one at a time, moving clockwise around the table. The players' cards are typically dealt face up, while the dealer receives one card face up (known as the "up-card") and one card face down (known as the "hole-card"). After the initial deal, the game proceeds in the following manner:

Player Decisions

Starting with the player to the dealer's left, each player has the opportunity to make decisions regarding their hand. Here are the possible actions a player can take:

  1. Hit: If a player chooses to "hit," they are requesting an additional card to improve their hand. A player can continue to hit until they decide to "stand" or until their hand exceeds 21, resulting in a "bust."
  2. Stand: When a player is satisfied with their hand and does not want any additional cards, they choose to "stand." Once a player has decided to stand, their turn is over, and the action moves to the next player.
  3. Double Down: If a player believes they have a strong hand and wants to double their initial bet, they can choose to "double down." In this case, the player must place an additional bet equal to their original bet and will receive only one more card.
  4. Split: If a player is dealt two cards of the same value (e.g., two 8s or two Kings), they have the option to "split" their hand into two separate hands. To do so, the player must place an additional bet equal to their original bet. The dealer will then separate the two cards and deal one additional card to each new hand. The player then plays each hand separately, following the standard rules for hitting, standing, doubling down, or splitting again (if applicable). Note that splitting Aces has specific rules, which we will discuss later in the article.
  5. Surrender: Some blackjack variations allow players to "surrender" their hand if they believe their chances of winning are low. When a player chooses to surrender, they forfeit half of their original bet and immediately end their participation in the round. Not all casinos or blackjack games offer this option.

The Dealer's Turn

Once all players have completed their turns, the dealer reveals their hole-card. The dealer's actions are determined by a strict set of rules, which may vary slightly between casinos or blackjack variations. In general, the dealer must hit if their hand totals 16 or less and stand on 17 or higher. Some games may require the dealer to hit on a "soft 17" (a hand containing an Ace valued at 11 points, such as Ace-6), while others may require the dealer to stand on all 17s.

Determining the Winner

After the dealer has completed their turn, the outcome of each player's hand is determined. The following outcomes are possible:

  1. Win: If a player's hand is closer to 21 than the dealer's hand without exceeding 21, the player wins and is paid out at a 1:1 ratio (e.g., if the player bet $10, they would win an additional $10).
  2. Lose: If a player's hand exceeds 21 (bust) or is lower than the dealer's hand without the dealer busting, the player loses their bet.
  3. Push: If a player's hand is equal in value to the dealer's hand, the game is considered a "push," and the player's bet is returned.
  4. Blackjack: If a player is dealt an Ace and a 10-point card (10, Jack, Queen, or King) as their initial two cards, they have a "blackjack." A blackjack usually pays out at a higher rate, most commonly 3:2 (e.g., if the player bet $10, they would win an additional $15). However, if both the player and the dealer have a blackjack, the game is considered a push.

Splitting Aces

Splitting Aces is a unique case in blackjack. When a player chooses to split Aces, they generally receive only one additional card for each new hand. Additionally, if a player receives a 10-point card on a split Ace, it is not considered a blackjack and only pays out at the standard 1:1 rate.


If the dealer's up-card is an Ace, players are given the option to take "insurance" before the dealer checks for a blackjack. Insurance is a side bet that pays 2:1 if the dealer has a blackjack. To take insurance, a player must place a separate bet, equal to half of their original bet, in the designated insurance area. If the dealer does not have a blackjack, the insurance bet is lost, and the game continues as normal.


Blackjack is an exciting and engaging casino card game that has captivated players for centuries. By understanding and mastering the basic rules and strategies, players can improve their chances of success and enjoy the thrilling experience that blackjack has to offer. Whether you are a casual player or an aspiring professional, learning the ins and outs of this classic game is an essential step on your journey to becoming a skilled blackjack player.